Cucumis - 무료 온라인 번역 서비스
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모든 번역물

요청된 번역물 - Shaneeae

원문 언어
번역될 언어

약 4개 결과들 중 1 - 4
103프로젝트 - Sentence Lists for Language Learning 원문 언어103
영어 30 sentences
What's your name?
My name is Jan Kowalski.
How are you?
Fine, thanks.
Very well.
What's his name?
What's her name?
His name's Janusz Kowalski.
Her name's Marta.
Where are you from?
Where's he from?
Where's she from?
What's your job?
What's his job?
What's her job?
He's a doctor.
She's a teacher.
What's your phone number?
What's his phone number?
My phone number is 3217703.
What's your address?
What's her address?
How old are you?
How old is he?
How old is she?
I'm 20.
He's 50.
She's 18.
That's right.
That's wrong.
These sentences should not be translated literally, but the way a native speaker would express the same meaning. I would prefer that any names be replaced with common names from the target language, but it is not necessary.

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